Bed Bug Treatment
Bed Bugs are notoriously difficult to get rid of. They spread unbelievably fast and are easily reintroduced into a home or business. Blackburn Pest Control can control your bed bug infestation. We know where they live, how they spread and most of all how to treat them. We can send one of our technicians for an inspection. If you have us provide the treatment, the cost for the inspection will be deducted from your bed bug treatment.
Bed bugs range in size from about 1/6th of an inch to 1/8th of an inch. They are reddish-brown to brown and have a flat and ovular shaped body about the size of an apple seed. These unappealing critters feed exclusively on blood.
Bed bugs get their name from their favorite hangout, the bed! They also live in furniture, clothing and around warm spaces, like heaters. Because they favor warmth they also hide in electronics, making bed bug control all the more harder. The best way to detect them on your own is to check the creases at the edge of your mattress for what looks like black pepper.
Getting rid of bed bugs is stressful. Tossing out an infested mattress will not solve the problem. What you need is a bed bug control program developed by the experts. At Blackburn Pest Control, our team of licensed pest control professionals is always ready to help you evict these uninvited houseguests with high-end chemical treatment solutions.
Contact Us for Bed Bug Extermination!
Let our bed bug exterminators resolve all your bed bug issues! Our help is only a call or click away! We have been happy to provide bed bug control to residents in southern Nevada. If your home has been affected by these biting insects, contact the experienced bed bug exterminators at Blackburn Pest Control Today!